Getting Ready for Synchronous Learning

As you know, we will be remote learning on Tuesday November 8, 2022. During this time, I will be providing both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) learning. 

I understand that remote learning can be a challenge and I want to remind you that we are in this together. We will be following the same schedule as in-school learning. While remote learning, we will use MS Teams and possibly OneNote (to be determined). 

Friendly Reminders:

  • The school day starts at 9:15 a.m. and ends at 3:35 p.m. We will be meeting on MS Teams for ‘live’ learning.
  • Attendance will be taken 2x/day.
  • Nutrition Break 1 – 10:55-11:35/Nutrition Break 2 – 1:15-1:55 *students will be asked to exit the meeting before break begins.
  • Students are asked to have the following handy during learning time:
    • a device
    • paper or a workbook 
    • a book, a sketchbook, or something they can work on quietly and independently if they are done early
    • a pencil and an eraser
    • pencil crayons or crayons
  • For each ‘paper and pencil task’, students have two options that they can choose from to complete their work.
    • Option A: refer to the activity sheet that will be posted in MS Teams, answer the questions on paper, take a photo of their finished work, and email it to me
    • Option B:  print the activity sheet out then complete it, take a photo of their finished work, and email it to me
    • We may also complete some of our activities using the ‘chat’ feature on MS Teams.

I will be using today to update student login information for MS Teams, to set up MS Teams and OneNote, and to prepare for our first day of synchronous learning tomorrow. Please check your email in the afternoon for your child’s login information (student email and password). 

I have attached instructions below so you will be able to login to MS Teams later today or tomorrow.

Parent-Guide-MS-Teams-Instructions-.pdf (
