School Reorganization

A letter went home earlier this week regarding a large reorganization of students at Eastdale. Our class is being affected by this reorganization and some of the grade three students will be moving to Mrs. Blain’s grade 3/4 class. If your child is one of the students who will be changing classes, a letter is being sent home with them today.

For those who are staying in this class, we will be moving rooms from 218 to 224. This means that our class will remain upstairs but be moving around the corner. Students will have their first day in their new class on Friday, October 7, 2022.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. It is always difficult to say goodbye to students after spending a whole month together. Thankfully our classrooms will not be far away and I know I will still see them every day!

“It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later” – Richard Lawrence Belford
